On our recent couple days around Wichita and Hutchinson, KS, this place was recommended to us.... Adorable, right? -; Decorative stop sign outside Carriage Crossing Restaurant, Yoder, Kansas..What: Carriage Crossing Dinner When: November 2, 2013 4:00pm.Would like permission to use some of your photos to promote Yoder Heritage Day on the yoderkansas.Once there, we ate at a big restaurant, the Carriage Crossing, and then stopped in a few of the other shops to buy "authentic" Amish goods.Merchant Specials, Open Air Market and more **Tickets are not needed for this "Open House" event! For more information
carriage crossing yoder ks
.You can still find some different cinnamon rolls in Yoder.com or directly at the Carriage Crossing Restaurant& . -.On the way home from Medicine Lodge, we stopped in Yoder for some coffee and pie. 0_IMAG0023.Reuben sandwich Carl`s Bar Hutchinson, Kansas; Cosmosphere white glove alert sign; Amish cinnamon roll Carriage Crossing Restaurant Yoder, Kansas; Airport Steak House Hutchinson; Amish apple pie from Yoder,& .. After much deliberation, Brian and I& . Carriage Crossing Restaurant on Urbanspoon
0_IMAG0023.Reuben sandwich Carl`s Bar Hutchinson, Kansas; Cosmosphere white glove alert sign; Amish cinnamon roll Carriage Crossing Restaurant Yoder, Kansas; Airport Steak House Hutchinson; Amish apple pie from Yoder,& .. After much deliberation, Brian and I& . Carriage Crossing Restaurant on Urbanspoon...jpeg.jpeg &. 0_IMAG0024
..jpeg.jpeg &. 0_IMAG0024.Carriage Crossing Restaurant, Yoder, KS.. I might have swooned. We stocked up on things for our Christmas baskets for Keith`s family, and I bought& .jpeg &
Carriage Crossing Restaurant, Yoder, KS.. I might have swooned. We stocked up on things for our Christmas baskets for Keith`s family, and I bought& .jpeg &. On our recent couple days around Wichita and Hutchinson, KS, this place was recommended to us.... Adorable, right? -; Decorative stop sign outside Carriage Crossing Restaurant, Yoder, Kansas
On our recent couple days around Wichita and Hutchinson, KS, this place was recommended to us.... Adorable, right? -; Decorative stop sign outside Carriage Crossing Restaurant, Yoder, Kansas..What: Carriage Crossing Dinner When: November 2, 2013 4:00pm.Would like permission to use some of your photos to promote Yoder Heritage Day on the yoderkansas.Once there, we ate at a big restaurant, the Carriage Crossing, and then stopped in a few of the other shops to buy "authentic" Amish goods.Merchant Specials, Open Air Market and more **Tickets are not needed for this "Open House" event! For more information
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